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Welcome to Night Vale by: Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor

-"...I feel like the breath before a scream."

-"...fate worse than death. Most fates are."

-Diane smiled a little, meant it a lot...

-"It's been so long since anyone could remember me at all. To be remembered is, I think, a basic human right..."

-...Silence descended on their town.

-"...Desperation does not breed empathy or clear thinking."

-...But meaning well is not doing well...

-...a man who expressed multitudes but contained nothing...

-...Jackie gunned the engine until a fog of white smoke enveloped the fenders. There was a sharp squeal, and the smoke lifted like a show curtain, revealing her absence.

-"Remember that misuse of language can lead to miscommunication, and that miscommunication leads to everything that has ever happened in the whole of the world."

"'Should' and 'will' are different words,"...

Have you ever considered what other versions of our world would look like? That's what this book explores. Librarians are scary, journalists carry hatchets, and the doors of the pawnshop get buried each night. Some people age and others are stuck once reaching a specific age. What you and I know of as "time" means nothing here.

If I have ever read a science fiction novel, I do not remember. I had heard of the podcast by the same name from someone I went to college with. I have listened to a few episodes, but after reading the book, I may need to go catch up. I learned of this book only after listening to a few episodes of the podcast. It has sat on my bookshelf for a few years, but I finally decided to read something different.

I was not disappointed. It was a quick read. It was easy to get into. I wanted to know what happen and struggled putting it down at night. I had heard the book was good, but I didn't expect to enjoy it this much. I will be continuing this series.

Moral of the story...don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and read something a little different.

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