Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre is my all-time favorite book. I've read some modern retellings that were good but didn't really stand out to me. I was beginning to think there could not be a successful modern retelling. Then I read this one.
Melodie Edwards did a fantastic job of placing Jane and Edward in modern day Ontario Canada and managed to stay true to the original story. I love the characters just as much as I did in the original story.
For those who read Jane Eyre, you will remember that when Jane and Mr. Rochester first meet, he accuses her of bewitching his horse. While in this book, Edward does not have any animals, he does accuse Jane of bewitching a coffee machine, causing a big mess for him!
It's cute, quirky, fun, and does the original novel justice. I would highly recommend it to all lovers of Jane Eyre.
