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Redeeming Love by: Francine Rivers

This book has been on my shelf for the last 5 years and the only reason I picked it up now was because I wanted to read it before seeing the movie. There are very few books I insist on reading before seeing the movie (would prefer with all of them but it doesn't always happen), but I knew I had to read this one first. I wish I had read it sooner.

I loved the character of Angel/Sarah. Not sure how other readers feel about her, but I found her likeable. I began to wonder if I would ever learn to like Paul or Michael. I held my breath and Paul and Angel's last big interaction, and I was relieved when Paul changed. I found myself liking him more than Michael.

It always bothered me that Michael kept choosing different names to call her. He knew Angel wasn't her given name and she wouldn't tell him what it was, but by giving her different felt too much to me like ownership.

I could go on and on about how much I disliked Michael throughout the book, but the things I disliked were put in there to remind us that as good a man as he was, he was human. At the end, when he and Angel/Sarah had both opened their eyes and hearts to what God wanted from them, I liked him.

I have never needed a trigger warning before, but I could have used it for this one. So..TRIGGER WARNGING. Prostitution and child prostitution. There were times I had to put the book to the side and take a break. Parts actually made me sick. But it was worth it in the long run.

Beautifully written book. The first book I can think of reading that is directly based on a book of the Bible. I can't wait to read it again.

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