How do I review this book....content wise, it was hard to get through at times. However, it was beautifully written. You have your main character, who is obsessed with a young girl. He grooms her and eventually uses her...yet for the first part of the book, you sympathize with him. You like him.
By the second half, you're sickened by him. Your urging Dolly (aka Lolita) to run! And when she finally does, you want to jump for joy. And by the end of the book, you find yourself sympathizing again with the narrator and thinking "maybe he's not so bad..."
The narrator is so aware of himself and what he's doing. He calls himself out multiple times. One time he even says "Oh, do not scowl at me, reader" so he knows what we are thinking about him, He also admits that there is no way he will ever change. That this sickness cannot be cured.
I could go on and on. I definitely plan on rereading this book in more detail (taking notes, looking up the French, etc.) and hope to write several papers on it.
I was trying to think if there was anyone I would recommend this to. Honestly, I don't know. You have to be in a good mindset AND be willing to keep an open mind. There is one friend I might recommend read it, but only because I want his opinions.
I cannot believe I waited so long to read this book and am already planning on how exactly I will dive in with my reread. If you've read it, let me know what you think!